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Food Synergy: Unleash Hundreds of Powerful Healing Food Combinations to Fight Disease and Live Well

Elaine Magee
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STEP 4 Reach for extra-virgin olive oil instead of another vegetable oil, especially when olive oil will enhance or complement other flavors in a dish. STEP 5 Snack on nuts almost every day, and feature beans in your entree or side dish when possible. STEP 6 Get a little fruity with dessert. End your meal with a treat that provides a serving of fruit. Grapes or baked apples, for example, contribute phytochemicals (in the case of grapes, same as those you'd get from wine). STEP 7 If you drink wine or other alcoholic beverages, have it only with meals, and don't overdo it.

Dr. Gundry's Diet Evolution: Turn Off the Genes That Are Killing You - And Your Waistline - And Drop the Weight for Good

Dr. Steven R. Gundry
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PHASES 2-3 þSubstitute water or vegetable stock for chicken stock. þSubstitute 1/2 avocado for cottage cheese. þReduce the amount of edamame. FOOL-DLES The name of this section refers to the fact that the recipes I've adapted, which use shirataki noodles, will fool you into thinking you're eating pasta. My wife, Penny, who cringed at every phony pasta I tried to pass off on her, can't wait for the next new shirataki noodle dish I've come up with. Before you dive into these treats, let me tell you my favorite way of getting the noodles ready to use.

New "Juice Feasting" Emerging as Phytonutrient-Rich Disease-Fighting Nutritional System

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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This suggests that small, consistent changes in vegetable consumption can make important changes in health outcomes (Gaziano et al. Annals of Epidemiology 1995;5:255 and Colditz et al. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1985;41:32). Consumption of tomato products has been linked to decreased risk of prostate cancer. Men in the highest quintile for consumption of tomato products (10 or more servings a week) had about a 35% decrease in risk of prostate cancer compared to counterparts whose consumption put them in the lowest quintile (1.

Dr. Gundry's Diet Evolution: Turn Off the Genes That Are Killing You - And Your Waistline - And Drop the Weight for Good

Dr. Steven R. Gundry
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Specifically, you'll aim to eat: þBigger, more varied vegetable portions þLarger salad portions, twice a day þSignificantly smaller portions of all animal protein For example, if you've become accustomed to eating a portion of meat the size of half your palm, aim to make it one-third the size. The point is that the foods you are eating are basically the same foods you ate in Phase 1, but in Phase 2 you will eat more of some and less of others. Let's take a moment to get to the real meat of the matter.

Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations

David R. Montgomery
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Mother earth never attempts to farm without live stock; she always raises mixed crops; great pains are taken to preserve the soil and to prevent erosion; the mixed vegetable and animal wastes are converted into humus; there is no waste; the processes of growth and the processes of decay balance one another."10 Constant cycling of organic matter through the soil coupled with weathering of the subsoil could sustain soil fertility. Preservation of humus was the key to sustaining agriculture.
The key to preventing erosion and maintaining soil fertility was to incorporate as much vegetable and animal matter into the soil as possible. An advocate of inexpensive erosion control measures that even poor farmers could adopt, he maintained that careful attention to plowing along contours and preventing surface runoff from gathering into destructive gullies could conserve the soil. Lorain also saw the tenant system as a major obstacle to soil conservation. The novel efforts of gentleman farmers like Washington and Jefferson discouraged small farmers who could not afford the expense.
Some fatmets began plowing deeper and adding animal and vegetable manures to their fields. In particular, agticulturalist John Taylor argued that soil conservation and improvement were necessaty to sustain southern agriculture. "Apparent to the most superficial observer, is, that out land has diminished in fertility. ... I have known many farms for above forty years, and ... all of them have been greatly impoverished.
In the permanence, therefore, of a coat of vegetable mould on the surface of the earth, we have a demonstrative proof of the continual destruction of the rocks; and cannot but admite the skill, with which the powers of the many chemical and mechanical agents employed in this complicated work, are so adjusted, as to make the supply and the waste of the soil exactly equal to one another.15 The soil maintained a uniform thickness ovet time even as erosion continuously reshaped the land.

Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods

Jeffrey M. Smith
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All are used to make vegetable oil, and soy and corn derivatives are used in most processed foods. There are also GM zucchini, crookneck squash, papaya, and alfalfa. GM tomatoes and potatoes were introduced but taken off the market. Also, Quest cigarettes contain GM tobacco. Although Ag biotech promotes its technology as a solution to feed the hungry world, grow crops in the desert and boost nutritional value, the current generation of GM traits is a far cry from that promise. The single dominant GM trait is herbicide tolerance (HT).

Dr. Gundry's Diet Evolution: Turn Off the Genes That Are Killing You - And Your Waistline - And Drop the Weight for Good

Dr. Steven R. Gundry
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BITTER IS BETTER Now is a good time to broaden your vegetable repertoire. If you always grab a bag of spinach and ignore the bitter greens, how about going for kale, chard, beet, collard, or mustard greens, or even dandelion leaves, instead? All take well to stir-frying with garlic and a splash of olive oil and lemon juice. Young dandelion leaves, arugula, and watercress add bite to a mixed salad or can stand on their own with an assertive vinaigrette. Radicchio adds color and pungency to any salad.
He ate rice, pasta, and whole wheat bread; drank skim milk and several glasses of pure vegetable and fruit juices a day; and eschewed all fat. Nonetheless, he was hypertensive, had an enlarging aorta, very low HDL {"good") cholesterol, and high triglycerides—despite being on statins and antihypertensives. He came to me after his own doctor had diagnosed diabetes. In our first meeting, he still couldn't get over the irony. "I'm doing everything right! How come everything is going wrong?

Conscious Health: A Complete Guide to Wellness Through Natural Means

Ron Garner
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Fasting for a period of time, until symptoms subside, on fresh fruit and vegetable juices or diluted juices, will relieve the load on the digestive system, and relieve and reduce hemorrhoids. High Blood Pressure The purpose of blood circulation is to supply all parts of the body with oxygen and nutrients. When unhealthy lifestyle practices make this task more difficult, the body must increase blood pressure to keep delivering life-sustaining nutrients and oxygen to its tissues.

Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods

Jeffrey M. Smith
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Moreover, when the vegetable becomes infected, it typically looks or tastes60 bad, inspiring avoidance rather than consumption. 2. The CaMV promoter operates differendy in GM crops than in packaged viruses. As a packaged virus, it won't infect bacteria and may have a very low likelihood of integrating into the DNA of mammals. The promoter in GM crops, however, is without its normal protein coat. Studies have verified that naked viral DNA can infect species that are not susceptible to the intact virus.

Food Synergy: Unleash Hundreds of Powerful Healing Food Combinations to Fight Disease and Live Well

Elaine Magee
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Plant sterols occur naturally in vegetable oils and are normally found at low levels in the diet, whereas plant stands are created by chemical hydrogenation of sterols extracted from wood pulp and other sources. They are thought to function similarly in the intestine, and research suggests both help to reduce LDL cholesterol. Save sterols for mealtime to get bigger results. In observing the effects of plant sterol-enriched low-fat yogurts, researchers found they worked similar to the plant sterol-enriched margarines, and they worked better when taken with meals instead of as snacks.

Bottom Line's Health Breakthroughs 2007

Bottom Line Health
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Rhubarb. This vegetable contains natural chemicals that increase blood pressure and can reduce the effects of antihypertensive drugs such as hydrochlorothiazide. Ask your doctor about: Eating five medium stalks of celery daily when taking antihypertensive drugs. Celery lowers blood pressure and can make the treatment more effective. Organic Food Drives Pesticides Out of Your Body in Just Days ChenshengLu, PhD, assistant professorof environmental and occupational health, Emory University, Atlanta. Nathan M.
Important: Trans fats are not formed when you cook—or even fry—at home with vegetable oil. They are created in frying oil only when the oil is reused after cooking a food that contains trans fats—a common practice in fast-food restaurants. Trans Fat on Food Labels: Now You See It, Now You Don't Barbara Schneeman, PhD, director, Office of Nutritional Products, Labeling and Dietary Supplements, US Food and Drug Administration. Samantha Heller, MS, RD, senior clinical nutritionist, New York University Medical Center, New York City.
Fibers often are characterized by the foods that contain them—cereal fiber, vegetable fiber, fruit fiber, Baron says. But there can be great differences between fibers within those families. Some fibers are soluble, some insoluble— insoluble fiber is believed to have the protective effect—and studies generally do not distinguish between the two, he explains. "Doing research in this area is difficult, and part of the problem has been people making too-optimistic or too-rapid decisions based on studies that have not been definitive," he adds. Fiber is just a word.

Before You Take that Pill: Why the Drug Industry May Be Bad for Your Health

J. Douglas Bremner
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Eating a high-sugar diet increased the risk of heart disease by 90%. High vegetable intake was associated with a 30% reduction in heart disease.61 Eating fish is good for your heart, but beware of eating a lot of fish high in mercury (a pollutant that gets into fish), like swordfish, tuna, and other large oceangoing fish, during pregnancy, as they can cause birth defects. Foods that are a part of the Mediterranean diet, like fish, olive oil, and nuts, increase "good" HDL cholesterol and reduce "bad" LDL cholesterol.
SOY A natural product that has been promoted as a preventative for heart disease, soy is a vegetable protein present in tofu, a food widely consumed in Asia. It is also sold in health-food stores as a supplement for that purpose. Studies have found that replacing animal fat with soy results in a reduction of LDL cholesterol of 13%.50 If you want to reduce your intake of animal fat, soy and other legumes (beans) are a good alternative source of protein. The effects of soy, however, are probably related to the reduction in animal-fat intake rather than to any specific effects of the soy itself.

The True History of Chocolate

Sophie D. Coe and Michael D. Coe
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As for commercial "chocolate" (her inverted commas), its principal ingredients are sugar, solid vegetable fat, and powdered milk. "These dietary villains," she holds, "are responsible for chocolate's undeserved reputation as a fattening, tooth-rotting, addictive indulgence." Aloha to a New Chocolate We shall end our 3800-year history of chocolate in the Hawaiian Islands, a place neither known nor dreamed of by the ancient Mesoamericans who created this sublime substance.

Conscious Health: A Complete Guide to Wellness Through Natural Means

Ron Garner
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The items primitives received in trade were much the same everywhere: a few pieces of clothing, some trinkets, certain vegetable oils, jams and jellies, white flour and sugar. No matter where in the world these primitives lived, ninety percent of the total items they received in trade consisted of white flour and sugar. These two foods accounted for their severe degeneration and downfall. It was clearly demonstrated that most of the diseases, which developed after adopting these foods, were not caused by genetics, but were caused by environment.26 The two totally unrelated studies by Dr.

Death By Prescription: The Shocking Truth Behind an Overmedicated Nation

Ray Strand, M.D.
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For example, vegetable oils were made into margarine as a substitute for butter. vegetable oils primarily contain what is known as polyunsaturated fats. These fats do in fact lower LDL, or "bad" cholesterol, but the problem is that they also lower HDL, or "good" cholesterol. Polyunsaturated fats are also vulnerable to oxidation and easily transform into trans-fatty acids, which are rancid fats. These fats make poor building blocks for our cell membranes and are anything but healthy. Many vegetable oils now go through a process called partial hydro-genation.

Conscious Health: A Complete Guide to Wellness Through Natural Means

Ron Garner
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For example, young carrots, potatoes, smaller cabbages, fruits before they are overly mature, that is up to a few weeks old or so, according to the nature of the fruit and vegetable. Generally, all sprouts, including green sprouts. The quality of the water used will reflect the gv and wl potential. Most clean brook, well, and spring water. ? Re-energized water with a wl higher than the gv; gv above 1700 and wl above 1750. Most fresh herbal teas naturally grown from heritage seeds. All good-quality herbal tinctures infused with the magnetic of love. Good quality essential oils.
Walker's vegetable juice formulas for the treatment of anemia. This consisted of a combination of carrot, celery, parsley, and spinach in certain proportions. Each morning he made the juice and drank 1.5-2 liters of it. Within a week his blood condition had stabilized and by the end of the second week his blood counts were rising. Bruce also started juicing a whole lemon, minus seeds, in a blender with up to a liter of water and a little maple syrup and drinking it as his first food each morning.

Everything You Need to Know About Enzymes to Treat Everything from Digestive Problems and Allergies to Migraines and Arthritis

Tom Bohager
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FCCFIP of lipase can break down 5 grams of vegetable oil in one minute. The fat found in beef or an avocado would be different. A WORD ABOUT VALUE When determining value you will no doubt try to compare enzyme supplement labels. Chances are the only useful information you will find will be the active units listed. Because the blending of enzymes is so critical to potency, you cannot assume that the higher the active units, the better the value.

Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods

Jeffrey M. Smith
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Whereas CaMV will be killed when the vegetable is cooked, heating fragments of the CaMV promoter in GM crops may make it easier for the bacteria to take it up. Proponents of the CaMV promoter have also claimed that it is plant-specific and will not function in bacteria or mammals if transferred. This assumption ignores research as far back as 1990, which verified that the promoter is active in bacteria,63 fungi, and yeast.64 Evidence that CaMV works in human cells dates back to 1982.65 More recent research also demonstrates that it functions in bacteria,66 mammalian,67 and human cells.

Everything You Need to Know About Enzymes to Treat Everything from Digestive Problems and Allergies to Migraines and Arthritis

Tom Bohager
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Particularly beneficial as a digestive enzyme for people who have difficulty digesting vegetable material Hemicellulase units (HCU) Invertase (sucrase) Carbohydrase þBreaks down carbohydrates, especially sucrose and maltose ?Particularly beneficial as a digestive enzyme for people who are intolerant of sugars Invertase active units (IAU) Enzyme Category Purpose Unit of Measurement Lactase Carbohydrase þBreaks down lactose (milk sugar) ?Used to treat lactose intolerance Lactase units (LacU) Lipase Lipase þBreaks down lipids and improves fat utilization ?

Death By Prescription: The Shocking Truth Behind an Overmedicated Nation

Ray Strand, M.D.
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For example, vegetable oils were made into margarine as a substitute for butter. vegetable oils primarily contain what is known as polyunsaturated fats. These fats do in fact lower LDL, or "bad" cholesterol, but the problem is that they also lower HDL, or "good" cholesterol. Polyunsaturated fats are also vulnerable to oxidation and easily transform into trans-fatty acids, which are rancid fats. These fats make poor building blocks for our cell membranes and are anything but healthy. Many vegetable oils now go through a process called partial hydro-genation.

Food Synergy: Unleash Hundreds of Powerful Healing Food Combinations to Fight Disease and Live Well

Elaine Magee
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For each 14 grams of vegetable protein (for a 2,000-calorie diet), participants experienced an average drop of 2.14 points in the systolic reading and 1.35 points in the diastolic. WHO IS SALT SENSITIVE? When it comes to salt and its effect on blood pressure, the connection exists only for people who are considered salt sensitive. This means that as they increase their salt intake, their blood pressure increases, too. There's no inexpensive or easy way to find out who is in that category and who isn't, but a number of factors increase the likelihood that you are salt sensitive.

Conscious Health: A Complete Guide to Wellness Through Natural Means

Ron Garner
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In my opinion, the main reason fresh vegetable juices have such a positive effect is because of their alkalizing properties. Marine Phytoplankton Along with a healthy diet, possibly the most powerful and totally natural breakthrough in aiding the body to heal may be marine phytoplankton. This most basic of earth's foods was only developed as a food supplement in 2004. It is showing very encouraging results in replenishing the body's nutritional resources at the cellular level. (More on phytoplankton in chapter 16.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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Olive oil
Vitamin C