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Green vegetables

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You can raise your magnesium intake with the following magnesium-rich foods: seeds, nuts, wheat germ, legumes, whole grains, blackstrap molasses, leafy green vegetables, cocoa powder, and chocolate. (See the table on page 304 for the magnesium content of various foods.) However, it isn't easy for someone with bad kidneys, a poor appetite, and on dialysis to eat as much magnesium as he or she requires. The sample menu on page 305 shows how you can try to do it.
Its richest natural sources (see page 42) are brewer's yeast, leafy green vegetables such as spinach, asparagus, collards, and broccoli, liver, kidney, lentils, and beans. There's lots in whole wheat products and orange juice too, but you won't find much in most meats, milk, and eggs. Folic acid deficiency can give you anemia (see page 33), a sore, red, smooth tongue, diarrhea, and in kids, retarded growth, but it's a most unlikely cause of arthritis. However, if you have all these other symptoms of folic acid deficiency and arthritis too, you've got the diagnosis made!
Its richest sources are acerola cherries, citrus fruits, vitamin C-fortified juice (raw, frozen, or canned), and leafy green vegetables. Over 90 percent of the vitamin C in our diet comes from citrus fruits and vegetables. (When is the last time you ate acerola cherries?) The "average" American (whoever that may be) is said to consume about 120 milligrams of vitamin C per day. To prevent cataracts, or slow down the progress of those that have already begun to form, you'll need to more than double that amount.
The best protective dietary regimen I can give you is to avoid alcohol if you're a smoker (and vice versa), eat all the beta-carotene you can in leafy green vegetables, and have lots of vitamin C—a minimum of 60 milligrams a day (the RDA), preferably from fruit or vegetables rather than from supplements. There are, of course, many cancers to which I have not specifically referred—lymphomas, leukemias, testicular cancer, thyroid cancer, and others. But seven malignancies—lung, colon, breast, uterine, prostate, oral, and skin—account for most cancers and for more than half the deaths.
At the same time, cut down on foods with a high-oxalate content—colas, fresh tea, beer, coffee, cranberry juice, grapefruit juice, as well as spinach and other green vegetables. (Foods with high and moderate oxalate content are listed on page 393.) If you are prone to forming calcium oxalate stones, you must avoid high-oxalate foods, you should try to cut down on moderate-oxalate foods, but you are probably safe eating the many foods that are low in oxalate such as milk, eggs, cheese, and most meats (but watch out for their impact on heart disease).

Earl Mindell's Supplement Bible: A Comprehensive Guide to Hundreds of NEW Natural Products that Will Help You Live Longer, Look Better, Stay Heathier, ... and Much More!

Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D.
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Omega-3 oils are generally found in cold-water fatty fish, deep green vegetables, and some grains and seeds. Our hunter-gatherer ancestors had a ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids of about 5:1. Because of modern food processing and changes in our diet, the ratio now is about 24:1. It is also very difficult to get enough omega-3 fatty acids from food alone, and to compound the problem, omega-3 fatty acids are very fragile and can be destroyed by heating.
As for broccoli and green vegetables, you would have to eat up to 20 servings daily (10 cups) to meet the calcium requirements. Obviously, it is impractical to rely on food sources alone to meet the daily calcium requirements. Calcium supplements are the obvious solution, but not all calcium supplements are well absorbed by the body. Of all the calcium supplements, hydroxyapatite, made from ground-up bovine bone, is the best absorbed.

Natural Health Secrets From Around the World

Glenn W. Geelhoed, M.D. and Jean Barilla, M.S.
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Other natural sources of vitamin E are green vegetables, whole grains, eggs and soybeans. Minerals: Just a Trace Minerals help vitamins do their work in breaking down food. In addition, many of the basic chemical reactions that make our bodies run are dependent on these nutrients. While many fruits and vegetables grown today have lower amounts of minerals than the ones our grandparents ate, you can still get much of what you need by eating foods like wheat germ, brewer's yeast, alfalfa sprouts, bee pollen, seaweed, molasses and nuts.

Eat Right, Live Longer: Using the Natural Power of Foods to Age-Proof Your Body

Neal Barnard, M.D.
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Personally, I like a sprinkle of lemon or lime juice on salads or green vegetables. Although fats and oils are by far the biggest fat promoters, there are two others worth mentioning. Alcohol is concentrated in calories, with seven calories per gram. In addition, alcohol reduces the body's ability to burn fat.10 A beer belly is exactly what it sounds like. Sugar is a bit more complicated. Many people blame their weight problems on sugar. But sugar is the simplest form of carbohydrate and, like any othet carbohydrate, it has only four calories per gram.

Conscious Eating

Gabriel Cousens, M.D.
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Farmers were directed to produce more grain, green vegetables, fruit, and dairy products instead of meat. After one year of this program the death rate dropped 40%. According to Paavo Airola, diseases that affected other European countries, including an influenza epidemic, only minimally affected Denmark. Denmark became the healthiest nation in Europe. There is so much we do not understand about the subtleties of nutrition that we are essentially shooting in the dark when we start to alter and process our foods.

Eat Right, Live Longer: Using the Natural Power of Foods to Age-Proof Your Body

Neal Barnard, M.D.
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You can get both calcium and iron from green vegetables. what to do about iron Most people in Western countries have too much iron in their bodies, which promotes free radical damage. Simple steps for keeping iron in check are: • First, be choosy where you get your iron. Plant sources of iron, such as beans, vegetables, and grains, allow the body to regulate how much it absorbs. • Avoid meats completely, as their heme iron tends to enter the body whether you need it or not. • Avoid iron supplements unless you have a diagnosed iron deficiency.
Orange, yellow, and green vegetables are loaded with beta-carotene and other powerful carotenoids. Bloodstream Protectors • Citrus fruits and many other fruits and vegetables supply vitamin C to stop free radicals in the bloodstream. Vitamin C also restores vitamin E that has been damaged in the battle against free radicals. • Uric acid is a powerful antioxidant that forms naturally in the body and is not taken in food. Should you Take Supplements? The restoration of works of art is a touchy subject.

Eat and Heal (Foods That Can Prevent or Cure Many Common Ailments)

the Editors of FC&A Medical Publishing
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Munch on fresh, leafy green vegetables for a full-size serving of folate. Fortified cereals, beets, squash, and melon all provide a healthy amount, too. Eat these foods raw or lightly cooked since heat destroys the folate. Even microwaving will foil your folate intake. Fiber. Dr. Denis Burkitt, author of Eat Right — To Stay Healthy and Enjoy Life More, first stated over 20 years ago that fiber might prevent colorectal cancer. "When diets are rich in dietary fiber," Burkitt said, "the stools passed are usually large.

Food Your Miracle Medicine

Jean Carper
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British researchers at Cambridge University discovered that older people who ate the most fresh green vegetables and fresh fruits were less apt to die of strokes. A Norwegian study found that men who ate the most vegetables had a 45 percent lower risk of stroke. It also found that women who ate lots of fruit were one-third less likely to have a stroke. STROKE SURVIVAL MEDICINE: AN EXTRA CARROT A DAY Imagine! Eating carrots five times a week or more could slash your risk of stroke by an astounding two-thirds, or 68 percent, compared with eating carrots but once a month or less!
Additionally, eat a variety of green vegetables, which generally seem to deter breast cancer. • Confine alcohol intake to a drink a day. • To prevent breast cancer or suppress its growth if you have it, eat omega-3 fatty acids in oily fish and omega-9 fatty acids of the monounsaturated type found in olive oil. Restrict saturated animal fats as well as omega-6 fatty acids predominant in corn, safflower, and sunflower seed oils, and shortenings and margarines made from such oils. • Eat more like Japanese women do, or used to before World War II.
The darker orange or green the fruit or vegetable, the more beta carotene it contains. In green vegetables, chlorophyll covers up and camouflages the underlying orange color. Actually varying amounts of beta carotene were present in every one of twenty-eight common fruits and vegetables tested by the USDA. NOTE: Beta carotene is not destroyed by cooking, according to USDA tests. Glutathione. Glutathione is an important anti-cancer agent. Dean P. Jones, Ph.D.
A recent Italian study showed a "striking" protection from the frequent consumption of green vegetables against the risk of most cancers. The green stuff, such as spinach, kale, dark green lettuce and broccoli, is chockfiil of many different antioxidants, including beta carotene and folic acid, as well as lutein, a little-known antioxidant that some scientists think may even be as potent as beta carotene in thwarting cancer. Green leafy vegetables are rich in lutein. For example, spinach has a lot of lutein, but kale has twice as much.
They are: • Fish oil (specifically for breast cancer) • Cabbage, collard greens and other cruciferous vegetables (for breast cancer) • Garlic's ajoene and allicin (which may perform as chemotherapy against cancerous cells in general) • Beta carotene in deep orange and deep green vegetables and fruits • Triterpenoids in licorice (which may stifle quick-growing cancer cells and cause some precancerous cells to return to normal growth) Thumbs Up: THE ATTACK OF THE ANTICANCER TOMATOES Pay attention to the lowly tomato.
They found that women who ate the most carrots and fresh fruit had a 60 percent lower chance of heart attack; those who ate the most green vegetables and fish had a 40 percent lower risk. Moderate alcohol consumption also reduced the risk 30 percent, but heavy drinking increased it 20 percent. Women with the highest risk ate more meat, specifically ham and salami, butter and total fat. Thumbs Up: USE VEGETABLE POWER TO BLOCK HEART ATTACKS Devouring fruits and vegetables can slash your chances of heart attacks and strokes, even if you have already suffered one.

Earl Mindell's Supplement Bible: A Comprehensive Guide to Hundreds of NEW Natural Products that Will Help You Live Longer, Look Better, Stay Heathier, ... and Much More!

Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D.
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Instead of eating the typical American "meat and potatoes" fare, for three months these women ate soy foods and leafy green vegetables, and they took fish oil supplements daily. At the end of the study, researchers detected a change in the composition of the breast tissue of the women on the diet. They had higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids and lower levels of omega-6 fatty acids than before they began the special diet. Researchers hope that these changes will protect these women from having a recurrence, and larger studies are currently under way.

Alternative Cures: The Most Effective Natural Home Remedies for 160 Health Problems

Bill Gottlieb
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To make sure that you get enough calcium when you're cutting back on dairy foods, she recommends increasing your intake of beans, peas, soybeans, sesame seeds, soup stocks made with chicken or fish bones, and leafy green vegetables. ALCOHOL AND SUGAR: Cut Back to Preserve Nutrients Beer, wine, and other alcoholic beverages deplete the body of B-com-plex vitamins and some minerals, which can worsen anemia, says Dr. Lark. She recommends having no more than 4 ounces of wine, 10 ounces of beer, or 1 ounce of hard liquor once or twice a week.

Prescription for Herbal Healing: An Easy-to-Use A-Z Reference to Hundreds of Common Disorders and Their Herbal Remedies

Phyllis A. Balch, CNC
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RECOMMENDATIONS L] Be sure to eat leafy green vegetables or orange or yellow vegetables daily. These supply various forms of carotene, which supports the immune system. Ql To improve the immune response, take 500 to 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C three times daily and 30 milligrams of zinc once daily. J Eliminate any foods that may depress immune function, such as sugar and other simple carbohydrates, as well as all food allergens. (See Food Allergies under ALLERGIES in Part Two.) —J To prevent the spread of infection, follow careful hygiene practices.

Healing with Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition

Paul Pitchford
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Curdled (fermented) milk products such as cheese, yogurt, and buttermilk do not cause this problem, and like the other proteins, combine very well with green vegetables. Fruit Exceptions Melons are eaten alone since they digest very rapidly; any other food they are eaten with slows their digestion, causing fermentation. Lemons, limes, and tomatoes are acid fruits that also combine with green and low-starch vegetables. This is very useful information for making salads, especially of the high-protein variety, since we already know that acid fruit combines with high-fat protein.
The digestion of fats and oils, similar to all protein foods, is greatly aided by consuming them with green vegetables. In starchy meals, therefore, they digest best when accompanied by abundant leafy greens. Fats and oils also combine with acid fruits. One often sees this combination in lemon and oil salad dressings. Regardless how well they are combined with other foods, any excess of fatty/oily food in the body wreaks havoc on the liver. Drink Milk Alone According to the Old Testament, milk is not to be consumed with meat.
Fruits and sweeteners mix most poorly with starches and proteins; their combination with green vegetables is not necessarily objectionable. Lettuce and celery, for example, are commonly thought by many food-combining experts to aid the digestion of fruit and simple sugars. In a meal of proteins or starches, we recommend that the fruit or dessert be eaten at the end of the meal, preceded by a large green lettuce salad. This order is due to the expansive and ascending nature of the sweet flavor. In fact, the green salad would be a much better way to end a starch or protein meal.
While such isolation can still be helpful, the minimal intention of Plan A is that when protein, starches, and greens are in the same meal, protein food is emphasized at the beginning of the meal and eaten with generous amounts of green vegetables to aid its digestion. The relationship between greens and protein digestion is discussed in the chapter on protein and vitamin B12. The relationship of protein foods to starches should also be considered, because the interdigestibility of protein and starch is influenced by the proportion of each.
Appropriate chlorophyll-rich foods, chosen mostly from the common green vegetables, can healthfully occupy 15-20% of the diet of modern people. This relatively high percentage is recommended especially for those living in very polluted areas. While this intense period, which begins a new era in our history, offers certain advantages, the many toxic effects of the environment and common diet need to be countered with the green color of renewal. Vitamin A and Beta-Carotene All chlorophyll (green) plants have certain pigments known as carotenes.
For example, meals during Chinese zuo ch'an meditation sessions typically include grains served with mostly above-ground green vegetables cooked in broth with a minimum of roots and beans. When beans are desired at a retreat, two of the most useful are soybean products in the form of tofu and tempeh, and mung bean sprouts. These supply ample (yin) fluids to the body and are cooling. All grains are valuable—barley and millet especially moisten and cool the body; wheat also cools while it calms and fortifies the spirit and strengthens the heart and mind.

1001 Chemicals in Everyday Products

Grace Ross Lewis
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HYDROGEN HEXAFLUORISILICATE FOLIC ACID_ Products and Uses: Found in green vegetables, liver, kidney, nuts, and orange juice. Also added to cosmetics; a dietary supplement and a skin softener. Some believe that folic acid can help prevent heart disease and strokes. Stroke and heart attack victims have high levels of homocysteine. Lack of folic acid results in high homocysteine levels. High levels of this amino acid can contribute to neurological birth defects such as spina bifida and may cause damage to arteries. Precautions: A member of the vitamin B complex.
Therefore, cooked or fresh tomatoes may be as important in preventing cancers as carrots and green vegetables. The tomatoes contain significant amounts of beta carotene which is also considered to be an excellent antioxidant. 69. What are some of the other chemicals in tomatoes? Tomatoes also contain phenolic acids and plant sterols. These are also considered to be protectors against cancer. They also contain monoterpenes. These are antioxidants that protect against cancer and prevent cholesterol production. 70.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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Related Concepts:

Vitamin C
Whole grains
Folic acid
Fruits and vegetables
Vitamin E
Dairy products
Immune system